Majority of the show members on The Bobby Bones Show are married or engaged. Bobby Bones was listening to Jake Owen's "Made For You" and was inspired to asked the show members the moment they realized their partners were "made for them." Everyone had a very specific moment or memory that made them realize their partner would be the person they wanted to spend their life with.

Bobby and his fiancé Caitlin got engaged last fall and laughing was the ultimate moment for Bobby. He shared that when she made him belly laugh for the third time, he knew that he wanted to be with her forever. He added that someone being able to make him laugh and laugh with him is such a big deal to him.

Eddie and his wife have been married for several years and have 2 kids together, plus 2 kids they're fostering. He shared that when he and his wife were dating she flew into town to hang out with him and they went to a Pearl Jam concert, but Eddie always spent Pearl Jam concerts in the front row really rocking out. He asked his wife if he was still allowed to go do that, and when she let him do his thing because Pearl Jam meant so much to him, that's when he knew.

Amy and her husband Ben have been married for several years and have 2 kids together. She said she knew when her husband asked her out. She knew him since she was 8-years-old and when they started dating, she knew almost instantly that they were going to be together for the future.

Mike D and his fiancé Kelsey got engaged last fall and he shared the moment he knew he wanted to spend his life with her. He said when he met her family for the first time, he loved watching her interact with her family and seeing her in that environment made him want to spend his life with her.

Lunchbox and his wife have been married for a few years now and have 2 kids together. He confessed that when he and his wife were dating, he was still wild and going out to bars with his friends. She didn't mind that girls would come up and kiss him without tongue. He said because she was so laid back about him and his lifestyle that it made him realize he wanted to be with her.

Raymundo and his wife Laura got married last fall and he talked about the moment that he started to fall for his wife. He said she purchased him a putting green and put it right in their apartment, but he only thought it would be there a few days. When it was 12 months in and he didn't have to move it, he realized that she was going to let him be himself and that was the moment.

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