Tom Sizemore Controversy Has Boise Connections
Yet another Hollywood actor has been accused of sexual misconduct. This time, it hits home for the Treasure Valley.
The Hollywood Reporter is claiming that a dozen cast members confirm the actor was sent home from a movie set in 2003 for inappropriate contact with a then 11-year-old co-star. We wont get into the details of what Sizemore is being accused of doing, but it is most definitely a criminal act, even though as of this writing no charges have been filed.
The casting director of the movie in question, Catrine McGregor, now resides in Boise. She says the day after the alleged incident, she reported it to the Screen Actor's Guild:
My whole reason for doing this is I don't want him to be around people who he can do this to again, specifically children. The statistics are if something happened to one child, it probably hasn't been just one child.
The young actress who was allegedly assaulted is now 26-years-old. She is currently in talks with lawyers to figure out her next move.
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