Let us start by saying, we know most people in the Treasure Valley are good. This isn't about shaming anyone for their actions because we get it - some people might not realize what they're doing is a bad thing...

Respect is everything

When people plan on floating the river, they typically understand the importance of respect. You don't jump from the bridge into a group of people, you don't go into someone else's ice chest, etc.

But what you do before floating the river is just as important and Boise police brought that to light with a recent post to social media. Police reminded would-be floaters to park in designated parking areas before adding to refrain from "using" other people's homes:

...There have also been multiple calls for service for problems occurring in the surrounding neighborhoods including a number of people using electricity from nearby homes to inflate rafts. Please be respectful of those living in the Barber Park neighborhoods and use Ann Morrison and Barber Park parking if you plan to float.

Look - we get it, some of these people are probably thinking: "They'll never notice."

Well, they do and it's time to put a stop to it. Is it costing homeowners a ton of money? Maybe not, but there's no denying that it does cost something and those using that electricity aren't paying for it.

What do you think? Are people out of line for using other people's electricity to blow up their rafts?

Top 10 Tips & Tricks For Floating the Boise River

Floating season is officially upon us! Are you ready?

Gallery Credit: Stephanie Gull

12 Tips For Floating The Boise River

Float season is officially open. Here are some tips listeners gave us to ensure you have a fun and safe float season!

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

4 Things You CAN'T Do While Floating The Boise River

There are good times to be had during float season...as long as you avoid these pitfalls.

Gallery Credit: Chris Cruise // Townsquare Media

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