Giving Gifts Early, Does it Ruin the Holiday?
It's that time of the year, time seems to speed up as we all have more on our to-do list around the holidays. So many people here in the Treasure Valley already have their Christmas lights up and tree up in their living room. While us procrastinators haven't even began to start shopping yet.
Every year in my house Savannah always wants to give gifts as soon as they are bought and wrapped. One reason is because she is horrible about keeping things from me, plus she is amazing and always like to see me happy. I'm very lucky to have such a caring wife but I never just start ripping into my gifts as I feel like it takes a little bit away from the actual holiday.
As a child my father always let us open one gift on Christmas Eve (after hours of begging from all five of us kids). Some of my friends did all of their gifts on Christmas Eve then slept in on Christmas morning.
How do you feel about gift giving early around the holidays? Does it take away some of the fun of Christmas morning? Can't wait to hear what you have to say.
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