Idaho Couple Killed in Head-on Crash with Semi
As we all know, life can be over in a second. This elderly couple was tragically killed yesterday after hitting a semi head-on.
It happened between Wendell and Gooding along State HWY 46 just before 4 p.m.
According to KTVB, 87-year-old Melvin Brooks and his passenger, 87-year-old Nacoma Brooks both died after Melvin, who was behind the wheel, crossed the center line and crashed head-on with a semi hauling a milk tanker.
The driver of the semi was not seriously injured in the crash which is currently being investigated by Idaho State Police.
I don't know the story behind Melvin and Nacoma Brooks, but even though they lived long lives it's pretty certain that a lot of people are missing them this morning. They were most likely someone's grandparents, parents, neighbors, and friends.
May they rest in peace and please keep all who loved them in your thoughts and prayers and they process through this sudden tragedy.
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