Idaho Farmers Help Each Other As Hard Freeze Approached
We hear often about how lucky we are to live in the state of Idaho. One reason is because it is absolutely beautiful here, and there is so much to do. Another reason is because everyone here is so nice and often help each other out. And that is exactly what happened last week as told by CNN.
In Hamer, Idaho which is close to 30 miles north of Idaho Falls, there was a hard freeze that was predicted to hit the area last week. This was completely unexpected which left farmers scrambling on how they were going to harvest all of their crops.
Well the farming community came together and helped those in need including one farm sending almost 25 employees and lots of trucks to help with the job.
In the end the work got done and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in crops were not lost. It was a long hard day but the community came together to help get the job done, and that truly is what Idaho is all about.