More Donations Needed for Students in Idaho
Idaho Business for Education had a very successful first donation day around the state for Close the Divide. Close the Divide was created to help lower income students get the things they need for online and distance learning for this school year. Almost all schools around the state are incorporating some kind of online learning -even if it is mixed with in school education.

A recent survey in the state of Idaho Showed that almost 200,000 kids don't have a computer at home and over 300,000 do not have internet at home. There were over 40 drop off locations around the state yesterday to help lessen the divide. On day 1 of donations about 1,300 computers were donated and just over $20,000. That is a great start but more help is needed.
Idaho Business for Education is continuing the Close the Divide drive through the end of August. They are asking for laptops, chrome books, ipads or tablets made after 2010. Click here for drop off locations and a link to donate monetarily for the cause.
It should also be noted that Governor Little has allocated a lot of funds to help with education costs and safely reopening schools, and he is hoping this eases some parents minds with back to school concerns.
$10 million to buy masks, gloves and plexiglass for schools
$48 million to help bridge the digital divide
$21 million for COVID-19 testing for teachers and staff
$3 million to pay for lab updates and fund quicker testing turnaround times.
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