Rick’s Daughter Fights Infertility – Twins Gender Reveal
This past weekend was one for the books. After years of fighting infertility, my daughter Lexi and her husband Porter have succeeded in becoming pregnant. That joy was magnified when we had the experience to witness their gender reveal. Lexi and Porter may never have another child so these two are everything to our family.
Lexi's preference was a girl and a boy so they could experience both but she had expressed emphatically that whatever God sends her way will be just fine. These two beautiful souls are only possible because so many people stepped up and donated for their In Vitro process. People they don't even know but heard us talking about it on the radio donated their hard earned money for my daughter to have a slim chance at a family.
After the first round of In Vitro failed and we knew there was only one more shot at this thing, we were all a little nervous. The twins being announced was the best ever. I can't even put it into words. And today we found out what Lexi's having.
I couldn't have asked for a better daughter. I don't deserve her or any of my kids but for some reason I have them. I'm so happy for Lexi and Porter. I'm proud to be her dad and I can't wait to meet the two little ones as they come into this world. Thank you again to everyone that donated or prayed or even thought about my daughter through this long journey. I say it again... you're family to us.