
Lunchbox Prank Called Pet Store Asking For Human Cone
Lunchbox Prank Called Pet Store Asking For Human Cone
Lunchbox Prank Called Pet Store Asking For Human Cone
Lunchbox was up to his usual prank call shenanigans when he decided to prank call a pet store. He called a pet store and asked the employee for something they usually carry, but not for the reason they might think. Lunchbox claimed during the prank call that he was on the hunt for one of those cones animals have to wear around their neck after they have a surgery to stop them from getting to the o
TMSG: Dog Finds Help For Elderly Owner After Fall
TMSG: Dog Finds Help For Elderly Owner After Fall
TMSG: Dog Finds Help For Elderly Owner After Fall
88-year-old Gwendola Johnson is very thankful for her pup Sandy, and her city sanitation worker after a scary situation. Johnson shared with NBC Los Angeles that she walked out her front door and tripped on something and fell. While she didn't hurt herself, she couldn't get up...
Have a Dog that Wont Stop Barking? You Need This…
Have a Dog that Wont Stop Barking? You Need This…
Have a Dog that Wont Stop Barking? You Need This…
My pup Ani is overall a really good dog … But The Barking… she wont listen even when I assure her everything is good until I either put her inside or the “threat” leaves. I stumbled upon this handy and harmless device and had to share.

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