This Downtown Boise Shop is Movie and TV Buff Paradise with Local Focus
My seven year old and I came across this incredible local Boise shop in Downtown called Re-Pop Gifts. I cant recommend it more. We spent nearly an hour, and could have spent longer exploring. This local unique Pop culture shop is oozing with nostalgia goodness from your favorite TV shows and Movies. With another focus on local artists.
I chatted with the owner Millie, her and her husband started the shop in Boise about 6 years ago and moved to their downtown location 2 years ago. When I asked why they started it, Millie smiled big, "We're just big nerds." I couldn't help but chuckle, it was such a fun and honest response. You can see the dedication to detail in every corner. Millie also let me know that her husband travels often for work and when they are away from Boise they seek out cool shops that are similar to theirs to get constant inspiration. "We built a store that we would want to visit." Millie said.
Not only is this spot a pop culture paradise they also are hyper focused on featuring local art and locally made items. Millie explained to me that they love being able to support and showcase unique local pieces. I already bought a few great pieces to put away for future gifts to relatives that are not from here. The local Boise and Idaho gifts were on point fantastic.

Before moving into this Downtown space it used to be a used book store. To honor the prior tenants, Re-POP had a collaboration of local artists pay homage by creating this bookshelf staircase.
This Hobbit door was built to scale, if you do a side by side from the movie Millie even told me that every brick lines up in the right place. Millie and her husband build the incredible scenes by hand.
Like Stranger Things? This scene is upstairs and looking at it sucked me right back to the show. "We got lucky with the wallpaper." Millie said. She also let me know that they projected a screen on the wall to get the letters just right.
Harry Potter fan? Head over to platform 9 3/4
Calling all Star Trek fans! They can set up a green screen and make it look like you are really on the ship in the chair!
I fully recommend going and checking it out in person but in the meantime, check out their website here - Repopgifts.com
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