West Ada Grade 6-12 Back to Full Time in March
West Ada School District had a board meeting last night (Tuesday Feb 9th). You can see the video from the meeting here on KTVB. In the meeting, the plan to start in person learning full time for grades 6th through 12 was passed. Currently, K-5 students attend in-person classes every day, but 6-12 only 2 days a week. That is soon to change.
Students are considered full time when they are back in the classroom for at least four days a week which is what this reopening plan outlines. Monday will stay remote learning days and will give teachers a day to plan lessons for in person and students who stay in the Virtual School House. Students and teachers will be in the classroom Tuesday-Friday for in person learning.
The West Ada School District Board of Trustees approved to bring students as early as March 29th which would be the Monday after school break. This again would be for students in grades 6 through 12. The West Ada superintendent, Dr. Mary Ann Ranells, who you may remember is resigning at the end of this school year, will inform the board if the start date needs to moved up or back depending on multiple factors when they have their next planned board meeting on February 23rd. These factors include teachers and staff getting the vaccine, student/staff positive rate is below 2% for two consecutive weeks.

The original plan had middle school coming back a couple of weeks later on April 13th and High schoolers heading back to full time on April 9th. They chose to move it sooner. Is it smart to do it directly after spring break when students will be traveling and visiting more family and friends then usual? Or is this the perfect time to bring them back to full time?
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