The Giant Amazon Center in Nampa is OPEN
Well we have all been watching this giant thing get built over the last year and heard all about the 2,000 new jobs becoming available for treasure valley job seekers and now the time has finally come. The official ribbon cutting ceremony was this morning and
Nampa Major Debbie Kling was there along with an Amazon representative for the celebration. Right before the actual cutting Amazon gifted $15,000 to the Idaho Foodbank and $10,000 to the Traveling Table mobile food pantry. An incredible unexpected gesture.
The new facility / Wearhouse is a whopping 650,000 square feet. They had to use helicopters to get the AC units on top because the cranes couldn't. This thing is a beast at Franklin and Star roads. It is now taking orders from all around and from the warehouse delivering everything from food, to clothes, to electronics and all of that super weird and hard to find items that Amazon seems to have. Seriously have you ever googled weird things on Amazon? Prepare yourself for an addictive rabbit hole of unprecedented proportions. There is some super bazar stuff in there.

While is is officially open now they are still building up to it being in full swing. When that happens though the General Manager, Tim McIntosh says they expect to have about 2,000 people working there. Wages start at $15 an hour, with a benefits package that includes medical, matching funds for retirement, and educational tuition assistance. Not too shabby at all! If you want more information about the jobs and what is expected check out my previous post here about the job opportunities with Amazon and a link that leads right to the job listings page.
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